
 Social establishments of Baluakandi Village
Baluakandi Village has a number of Social establishments which render considerable social service towards the rural society of Baluakandi Village.

Baluakandi Eid Gha & Goarostan Committee :This is a volunteer committee constituted with the general inhabitants from all the locality of Baluakandi.This authority is one of the oldest entity in Baluakandi formed in the year 1965 by Dr. Abdul Gaffar Khan MB (Cal) along with Hafez Jalil Ahmed,Aftabuddin Sarker.Anisur Rahman Member etc.which was and  is engaged in managing the General Eid Gah and the Public Graveyard of Baluakandi.The Eid Gha is situated beside the Dhaka- Cittgong High way within Boro Baliakandi mouza at plot no....The Graveyard is adjacent to it.This committee is headrd by the chairman and a general Secretary,along with total 27 members.It has a Bank account with Pubali Bank Ltd.,Bhaberchar Branch,Being No.
The Current Chairman : Justice AFM Abdur Rahman
General Secretary : Bir Muktijoddha Mozammel Hoque Khoka.

Mosque (Masjid) : While the Baluakandi Village had only one Mashjid known as 'Kazibari Jame Mashjid',with the increase of population Baluakandi Village has now as many as 10 Masjids namely ;

1.Baluakandi Central Jame Mashjid...Previously known as Kazi Bari Jame Mashjid,situated on Waqf property measuring 10 Decimal, made by the members of Baluakandi 'Munshi Bari'Family.The Mashjid building  was constructed by Dr.Abdul Gaffar Khan MB (Cal) in the year 1967 which is being under development by the managing committee.Recently a 'Minar' has been built with the fund donated by Mr. Mamoon of Munshibari.

2.Chandrapara Khanka Sharif Jame Mashjid...Paschim Para.This Mashjid and the Khanka Sharif was founded by the Murid's of Chandrapara Pir, headed by Mr.Babul (Now deceased).It is built on 3 decimal of land donated by different people, including a portion by Justice AFM Abdur Rahman.The Khanka Sharif & Mashjid is managed by a committee.
Current Chairman :
General Secretary : Mr.Abul Kalam Azad.

3. Bat-tala Bus Stand Jame Mashjid..Bus Stand.: While the waitin peoples were facing problem in obserbing Waktia Salah,the local people around the Baluakandi Bus Stand founded this Masjid in the year 2004.The Mashjid recently built a two storied building.having capacity of 200 people.
It is managed by a committee.
Current Chairman :
General Secretary :

4.Kazir gaon Jame Mashjid...Char Algi.
5.Shantinagar Jame Mashjid...Choto Raipura.
6.Dhakkhin Para SarkerBari Jame Mashjid...Dhakkin Para.
7.Bepari Para Jame Mashjid..Beparipara.
8.Uttar Para Jame Mashjid..Uttarpara.
9.Atiknagar Jame Mashjid...Atiknagar.
10.Boro Baluakandi Jame Mashjid..Eidgha para.

Public Library : Baluakandi Pablic Library founded by Justice AFM Abdur Rahman on behalf of 'Gazaria Upazila Janakallyan Samity' in the year 2007 in a rented room, owned by the  'Baluakandi Govt.Primary School'. The library has as many as 3000 books on different subjects.
Current Librarian : Mr.Shahiduzzaman Menon..Phone :01819873257

Voluntary Organisation : 1.Koohinur Club : Founded in 1934 by Dr.Abdul Gaffar Khan MB (Cal) who purchased 1 acre of land being RS Plot no.. to convart it into play ground for Baluakandi.Recently Baluakandi Union Parishad Chairman Mr.Shamsuddin Prodhan filled up the field with soil and developed it for better use.The club activity is now abolished.
2.Baluakandi Samaj Kallyan Samity..Founded by....
Current Chairman : ...
General Secretary : Dr.Mahtabuzzaman Khan (Badal) ..Phone : 01719277170
